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My name is Imogen and welcome to my website!


I have used my brand me to help reflect who I am as a person and have tried to let my personality shine through. 


I am a super aspirational, hard working, creative and confident personal and from the last 3 years, have been able to come out of my comfort zone from being at university and have developed so many skills and made life long friends! 


I hope as you look at my digital portfolio, experiences and reflection diary you can understand more about myself but to kick it off, here is some interesting facts about me...


1. I had a heart operation when I was 9 months old.

2. I 99% of the time listen to throwback music. 

3. I love Danish dramas!

4. I cannot "chill' to save my life. 

5. I have honey in cups of tea hehe (its so good!) 



Please scan the QR code to head to the playlist 

which has helped me through my university life! 

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